Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Birthday, Halloween, Surgery

I'm going to take a lesson from my friend, coincidentally another CFD parent whose blog I love to read, and not even ask for forgiveness for my lack of blog post. It's been a bit hairy around here lately. We are still heavily involved in P.T. and I started a new little job. (Have you noticed that I always use the word "little" when I'm feeling overwhelmed, as if making it sound like no big deal will ease my mind?) Provo School District was experiencing an overload in their Pre-K Special Ed. Program, and so I now find myself each day in a classroom of special three and four year olds that REALLY keep me hoppin'! As if my own kiddos weren't already doing that...

Carter has been having quite a bit of pain lately. Muscle spasms is our best guess as what's going on. I was totally convinced that he had fractured his bone a few weeks ago. So sure in fact, that we had an x-ray taken and sent it to Dr. Paley. Of course, I had looked over the x-ray and took the liberty of explaining to Dr. P that I noticed some peculiarities in the image. He sent back a reassuring note that everything was looking perfectly as it should. He left out any mention of his hysterical laughter at my attempt to interpret the x-ray and then give him instructions on what to look for. I thought it was nice that he didn't feel it necessary to drive that point home. In the end, he will always be the expert and I will always be the mom who will do anything for her boy (even if it is a little over the top at times!).

In spite of the pain, Carter is healing amazingly well! So well that he is having his fixator removed next week! Can you believe that? We weren't thinking that would happen until December or January, but Dr. Paley has looked at his x-rays and confirmed that, "Carter has healed beautifully." If I'm being completely honest, I must confess that I'm scared to death about the whole thing. If you know Carter's history, you know that his last lengthening and fixator removal was nothing short of horrific! But, I remind myself everyday that that was our past and this is our present and we didn't have Paley in the past! So, to sum it up, Carter and I will fly to WPB on Sunday, surgery to remove the fixator and insert a metal rod into his femur is on Monday. We'll return home really late Wednesday night, just in time for Turkey Day (or for me, "Pie Day"). I promise to keep everyone posted. Really I will.

Now I'm coming to the point in my post where I will in fact, ask for forgiveness for the lack of pictorial documentation of Caitie-girl's birthday. I'm pretty sure I remember taking pictures, I just can't find them at this exact moment. But, I did include pictures of Carter and Caitlin's Halloween costumes. Sadly, we have left the years of "cute" Halloween costumes behind us and now it's all about the gore! Carter was a deranged surgeon (no semblance to Dr. P) who liked operating on his own leg. Come on, work with me here people, it's not easy to create a fixator-friendly costume! Caitlin was a vampire with fresh blood running down her lips and chin. Lovely. And just as soon as I find those birthday pictures, I'll post them (I'm so glad I didn't go for that fourth kid...).

Here's a picture of Carter, that he told me NOT TO POST, but I'm doing it anyway because someday we'll want to remember all of this, at least that's what I tell myself. This picture pretty much sums up how he ends his days. Curled up on my bed, leg hurting, heating pad on his hip, mom rubbing his foot until he falls asleep, then Jason carts him (awkwardly) down the stairs to his bed. If I'm still awake, doesn't happen often, I shed a tear or two as I watch him being carried away. It's not all sadness, rather a mix of emotions. I'm proud of him for being so strong, sad that he hurts and worried that something is going to go wrong. But mostly, my heart is just so full of love and admiration for him!

1 comment:

KGB said...

Thank you, oh thank you--I am fixed again. I was voting for the 4th--just sayin. I am picking up the lingo--right? Love you all and many prayers will go with you to WPB. I'll volunteer to give foot rubs if you can wait for 9 months. Safe journey.