Sunday, October 18, 2009

NO slowing HIM down!

It's been eight weeks and three days since Carter's hip and knee surgery. What does that mean, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

Drum Roll, please.

Accomplishments recapped:

Walking. Check.

Straightening his knee. Check (well, only a few degrees shy)

Bending his knee to ninety degrees. Check

Full range of motion in his hip. Check (alright, pretty close)

Annoying his little sister. Check

Pulling his usual pranks. Check

Cleaning his room. Uh, let's not press our luck in the miracle department!

Carter is a good boy who has been through a lot. And when you think about it, it's just not fair! But he doesn't think that way (his mom does, but she is working on that, especially since she has to teach from President Monson's talk: Be of Good Cheer next Sunday). He is such a happy, positive kid. I don't think a day goes by without him flashing those dimples and sharing that irresistible smile. I am very proud of him, if you can't tell.


The Kent Family said...

Hooray for Carter! We sure love you Carter. Thanks for being such a good boy. The girls really want to see you, but since you guys got the "Flu" it might have to wait. You are such a good example of being happy through even the hardest of times. Man, I need a little more of that! Love you guys. Oh, and Jamie you should be proud, he's a good kid!

Cristina said...

That's awesome. Way to go Carter!!

Amy said...

Fantastic!!! He is really moving around since we saw him!