Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yard Sale!

Carter has a date for surgery, August 19! We are so excited that he is able to see a world renowned doctor, who is so experienced with Carter's birth defect. Carter, his mom and siblings are going to live in Florida for four months after surgery. This is putting a financial strain on the family. To help with some of the cost we are having a fund raising yard sale!

It will be held JUNE 27 from 7AM to 3PM in the CRISP PARKING LOT 798 State Road 198 in Salem.

If you would like to donate items to sell please email us jkjlbrown.msn.com. This is a great way to empty out your garages and closets while helping a family in need!! Also, an account has been set up at Zions Bank in the name of Carter Brown. Thank you for your support!!



Cristina said...

Natalie found out about your blog and told me to look it up. I'm so glad you started one, we will be checking in to see how everything goes with his surgery. We wish you all the best!! Thanks for being such great friends, please let us know if we can help you with anything.

The Blacks said...

We hope this is a start of a new beginning for your family. Thanks for letting us help in a small way by organizing the yard sale. It really demonstrated to our kids how serving others can truly bless everyone involved. "As we lift others, we rise a little higher ourselves. President Spencer W. Kimball taught, 'The more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls'
We sincerely appreciate the opportunity we had to serve Carter. May many more blessings rain upon your family at this trying time.